CA(SA) – ARE YOU A CFO OR A FD? Is it your call or is something deeper at work here?

I was asked an interesting question recently: is there a difference between a CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and FD (Financial Director)? Well, for a minute I was stymied. I had to give it some thought. CFO is definitely a relatively new term – financial director has always been the classic description of the most senior financial executive. But there now […]

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CA(SA) – WONDER WOMAN! Success is Failure Turned Inside Out.

Considering the stuff that really creates success, it is actually a lot more simple than you might think. The overriding ingredients are sourced from places other than pure brains and intelligence. In fact, they emerge from two basic character traits: perseverance and determination. Now don’t let me confuse you. Simplicity does not mean ‘easy’. Easy and simple are very different ideas. […]

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